Everything about white cement

  White and colored concrete, or new possibilities in road construction

Many years ago, the deep years of the last century formed concrete roads and highways. The mass, which swept over them, is basically inconceivable, as it nurtured (essentially as they neglected) also, but survived. Such evidence makes that despite the relatively high unit costs back to the concrete as a material suitable for sensational way, as the material constituting the native conditions of Central Europe an excellent alternative to asphalt.

Unfortunately, one in the minds of operators and investors, as often does not change - the case has repeatedly been raised here, which is treated as one large concrete gray, if we look at it as a certain whole. Colors can only occur at the moment when the concrete that is cut to a whole bunch of small items, such as concrete blocks or decorative plates mounted somewhere on the facades and finishes homes or offices.

A przecież tak nie jest - to biały cement daje nam potężne i szerokie możliwo¶ci kształtowania koloru, faktury i formy z racji tego, że biel jest neutralnym kolorem w zasadzie niewpływaj±cym na mieszankę - to j± można barwić, a nie ona barwi.But it is not - it's white cement gives us a powerful and broad opportunities to shape color, texture and form due to the fact that white is a neutral color basically niewpływającym to mix - that it can be colored, and it does not stain.

Any city in any country having its public communication, any city where the buses stop, the village of pedestrian crossings, a small town with primary and secondary schools. The reasons vary, but the problem itself, the problem of which the most important objections boil down to three requirements:

  • the need for significant and sustainable selection, appointment or badges of any fragment
  • high load capacity (such places are usually deployed where traffic is large, stop overloaded or loaded trucks)
  • strength native (typical for Central Europe), often difficult and causing trouble conditions

The classic solution that is used are:

  • laying paving (bus stops)
  • paint characteristic zigzag (usually in the form of white lines) with the renewed twice a year
  • painting over a piece of red paint, which tends to glide and fading

Their flaws are almost the same and come down to the fact that all these solutions are unstable because of low strength, lines and boxes designed to warn drivers and pedestrians fade in/ wipe up. This is all, of course, greatly increases costs because of the need to alarming regularity in these specific locations to send another renovation teams to once again improved, what a season lost their properties.

An alternative lacking these drawbacks of the use of a bright (white) or colored concrete of appropriate strength, sometimes reinforced. A necessary condition to obtain the concrete is applied:

  • white cement with high quality parameters (strength, low alkali)
  • suitable aggregate (which itself may colour concrete to the desired color)
  • reinforcement (which helps in the proper distribution of burdens on the entire surface - eg. a distributed, fiberglass.

An alternative lacking these drawbacks of the use of a bright (white) or colored concrete of appropriate strength, sometimes reinforced. A necessary condition to obtain the concrete is applied:

This alternative is undervalued for a simple reason - its direct construction costs are slightly higher than in the traditional version (asphalt or stone), but the same operation - much, much cheaper.Mentioned at the beginning of the conditions perfectly meet the bays or bus stops. Currently, it is their very often you can meet a variety of versions of cobblestones, in too many cases cracked with losses, sometimes for the sake of peace flooded with another layer of asphalt. Szarobura cube, black asphalt does not stand out in any way against the background of the road and the boundary in the form of barely visible white lines painted paint in this case illusory. Use in this case, white concrete with the appropriate parameters, nietrudnych indeed to obtain, would easily mark "since where" is the place to stop the bus (or the type of vehicle), clear boundaries, and all of this to make the time made mass robust years without continuous repairs. Due to the fact that these places are located in the line of the road, then the foundation should be sufficient, and thus flooding the concrete should not cause problems, like then their operation.

Often, different lines of continuous or intermittent used to select different kinds of transitions, places where there are some prohibitions. The outpouring of white concrete as pedestrian crossings, even as alternating stripes (light and dark) once and for all make will not be constant repairs transition, so frequent curbs before the transition or bicycle path. An additional advantage is the fact that none of the parties, and especially the control will not be able to say "there is nothing here." At present fairly common alternative encountered on our roads is making islands in the middle of the road with the appropriate markings. Although the islets are clear, they are not horizontal markings made with paint and some superodpornej as in the case with a conventional transition - fade or disappear after a short time.

Because of the frequent location of schools (especially primary or secondary) on the main roads, frequent dangerous departures of emergency vehicles is not uncommonly painting in red and white stripes last meters of the road for pedestrian crossing, which is used by the students, or the place where suddenly leaving the fire brigade.

Unfortunately, after some time, paint fades, disappears or colorless and is sometimes replaced by the so-called "sleeping policeman". The state of the surface of such roads is different, sometimes bad. One possible solution is to use colored concrete to pour such belts. Of course, in such cases, an essential component of the mixture is a white cement. The road in such a manner it will be constantly marked (dyeing in the mass), it will be in good condition for years, and most importantly - none of the drivers will not be able to say "I have not seen" - even at night.

White concrete, which is the base for the creation of white / clear lanes will be perfectly contrasted with the dark asphalt road. He will not give not to notice.

Many places and institutions have lanes dedicated for a specific type of vehicles, services, services. Roughly can be divided into:

  • open to the "common man"
  • closed

And again - the typical method in the first case is painting stripes, inscriptions, putting the characters that are too often sloppily made, impermanent, and worst - ignored by other road users.

In the second - in theory it is much easier - only interested in themselves, but they authorized, but I know that sometimes different. Sometimes, one pledge, sometimes you can not see.

In these cases, the ideal solution is concrete based on white cement. But just pour appropriate the layer with appropriate parameters, to make it clear that this place or positions are reserved for specific vehicles - ex. fire, police, ambulance, that a portion of the large square is the place to be solely for Road Transport Inspection and parking is allowed outside the designated area.

In a situation where the case concerns a closed area - it is the same. Just assign the appropriate authorities colors, a place designed for them to "appoint" the color of concrete. Yellow, orange, gray, red - only limited by your imagination and the amount of these groups, which must be free trip, entrance and parking space. So far do not look - eg. The airport and a separate space for fire airport (more on emergency services), vehicles supplying these flying giants in fuel or oil, customs etc. Apparently nothing, and yet - a solution to save time, cheap to operate and easy for use.

One of the strongest arguments that sometimes you can hear is the need of the resistance layer of poured concrete conditions posed by the exploitation and the environment. It is obvious that the strength of the cement, and thus the concrete is given after 28 days ... And how can you wait almost a month to the bonding material has reached its nominal strength. Really cements class IR (and for rapid initial strength increments) half of its nominal capacity is reached after approx. 24 hours and the use of appropriate chemicals still can accelerate this process. Sometimes, more than 80% reach in less than a week. This means that the desired characteristics can be achieved very quickly, without major problems.

In fact, using clear or colored concrete based on white cement is conditioned only change in thinking about what is and what can be concrete, and just as importantly - the treatment of the construction costs of a building, a road segment or transition not only as expenditures incurred strictly to build and labeling, as well as the expenses to be incurred for the maintenance of the desired shape over a period of time, often covering many years.

In the case of such an approach, somewhat higher costs that are incurred in connection with the use of concrete turn very quickly.

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