Everything about white cement

  How to judge the quality of the purchased goods?

On this website it was mentioned about what the symbols mean on the bags, what is the use of such and no other cement and so on. Thing that buyers often forget, is the quality of purchased cement assuming that the product, which was taken from the shelf, should and must be exactly what we wanted to get.

1. Date of durability

Cement as a commodity on the market has a date of minimum durability, or the time (which is specified by the manufacturer), in which the parameters do not have the right change. This time depends on many factors - these include, among others, cement type (I, II etc.), the quantity and quality of additives, manufacturer, method of packing (loose, bag with or without a film layer between the layers in the middle of the paper) and so on.

Basically you can distinguish four basic ways of setting of that date:

  • specify the date of production while defining next to the shelf life; it may be eg. 90 days, which means that the date of production, eg. 20.9.2013 and given shelf life, the guarantee expires 12/18/2013, although approximately 90 days they may be regarded as equal to three months
  • giving the date, which is also the date of durability, that is, in the given example, the date of which would be stamped / marked on that sack of cement, would be the date 18/12/2013 with the appropriate information
  • given two dates - clearly that the given date is the date of manufacture and the date of the end of shelf life - in this case, the matter is clear and obvious
  • encountered last time option is lettering the production date on the bag, and a description; minimum warranty period is limited time - eg. 6 months - for the buyer means that the manufacturer guarantees that the minimum period that these half a year, although if the product is properly stored, it may be much longer; this way giving the guarantee means that the buyer must (!) to know some basic ways to check whether the cement, which is more than six months (ie. seven), it is still a full-fledged commodity

This last sentence does not mean that you should trust each kupowanemu workowi, each batch of cement, especially as being in the place of sale, we see how it is stored, that some of the bags are torn, so-called "condom" or security foil applied from the top is broken, and the same range of stands on the damp ground.

2. Storage

Cement as a binding material should be stored in a dry place under roof. In the worst case should be an ordinary world safety solidly against weather conditions. Although the majority of bagged cement types is secured by said film, then it is not a perfect and superszczelnego protection against rain, snow or other precipitation

Due to the fact that only in exceptional cases, the pallet on which it is laid cement, are "firmowo" protected from the bottom with foil, in the case of storing it in the open air or moisture there is a high risk that the lower layer simply "pull" moisture and will petrificate (became stone).

High protection against moisture is a bag of foil in the middle. That film serves as additional protection against moisture. Such cements like to have a longer warranty periods sometimes referred to 180 days or 6 months, sometimes - even a year. Unfortunately, this foil does not fulfill its role if the bag is torn.

3. How to evaluate the quality of the goods?

There are some simple and fairly easy way to check that the state of the goods purchased by us:

  • bag in which it is cement, you should not have any holes, abrasions or zalepień tape - each such opening is a signal to us that the cement was not properly discharged, transported or stored; each of these defects suggests that within the cement may be lodged, besides the packaging itself as an integral part of the product does not fulfill its function
  • cement due to the fact that the bulk material is packed though, after a slight "freeing the" bag packaging should be as freely give up our movements - especially for erecting the side and upright; additionally such "conviviality" should not be in the corners, on the side or in the folds of the bag any lumps, if any, sense bare hand, this means that the product is of poor quality and not suitable for sale - this can be caused by a poor way to store cement already dealer, or - less often - condemned series released onto the market by the manufacturer, although in the latter case it really should withdraw this product from the market
  • some anxiety should arouse the appearance of the bag, which suggests that it could have on contact with water or moisture - can be eg. blurred paintings, markings etc. have on the bag placed producer (logos, batch / type of cement, etc.) water stains clearly visible especially on clear or white parts bag, paper bag which is hard and brittle, and reminiscent in its appearance and characteristic behavior card, which first was wet to then dry

Such signs do not tell us that the cement in the bag is automatically humid or lumpy, but allow us to conclude that he had contact with moisture. This could be, for example. During loading (incomplete palette, removed several bags), when a few drops of water was on the bag, but she could just as well go in moisture by leaky shield and go inside.

You can always try to take the bag to the hands and see turning it if there is something lumpy or not, and on this basis to assess whether the goods that we buy is reliable or the opposite.

A similar concern should arouse originally packed pallet having as the original protector foil (these "condoms"), if the use of bags or ordinary transfer them in a dry place we find that not the lowest (rising from the ground), not the highest (leaks in foil protecting) but the middle are lumpy. This could mean that in reality the market is a condemned series goods.

4. What you need to do if we find agglomerated product?

If it is in stock, point of sale (loading, checking quality) - is this demonstrates, on which we are composed, and care about what is being sold. Goods must be replaced compliant - simply good. If such notice the goods when unloading - as soon as the manual, because each bag goes through our hands and we can check it by taking the car - not to accept the goods. This should be noted on a document (document release external or invoice) and determine the cause (commodity torn, agglomerates etc.). It is good to have a witness.

If we find caked bag or damaged during unloading pallets, you need to call the place of purchase, and to report immediately the fact of asking that same day one of them came.

If the larger lumps of cement are in the bag,then the better for us as buyers. This means that it is much easier to prove that it is not our fault all this there arose.

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